Ad Council and save the children launch campaign to raise awareness of the impact of local health workers in the developing world

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Every day, about 24,000 children in the developing world die of preventable ortreatable illnesses such as pneumonia and diarrhea before they reach the age offive, according to save the Children. nearly 4 million of these deaths occuramong newborns less than one month old, which is roughly equivalent to the

total number of babies born yearly in the U.S. These tragedies occur becausemany of these children live in marginalized urban and rural areas which lackaccess to trained health professionals and health facilities. local health workersare trained to promote preventive care and to evaluate and treat children with signsof disease and other life-threatening conditions.

According to save the Children, the majority of these child deaths are preventablethrough proven, inexpensive interventions like vaccinations, better delivery andnewborn care practices, and treatment of common infections like diarrhea andpneumonia. This care is delivered by local health workers serving in their owncommunities or local clinics. In fact, save the children estimates that every fourseconds a child’s life is being saved as a result of the care offered by these localhealth workers. However, global estimates suggest the need for over 4.2 millionmore health workers to deliver this life-saving care throughout the world. ThePSAs highlight the local health worker as a hero, providing a sustainable solutionfor child survival in the developing world.

Healthy mothers and the ad Counsel want you to learn how to get involved in avoiding this world broad disaster by going to good

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